Saturday, September 14, 2013

The History of The Television

             The first televised picture of a moving object was created in 1924 by a scottish inventor John Logie Bard. In 1925, the first televised human face was shown. A year later Baird produced the first real-time moving object. John demonstrated color television and a video recording system called "Phono-vision" in  1927. The tv was first created in London, England. 
              The television was created for entertainment and to get a message through to people. Television  was a way to show people  emotions. For example, when you listen to the radio or you are texting someone something, you don't know how they feel but when you are watching tv you see the actors showing emotions of how something being said would make them feel. 
               The television effects our community by making people lose self-confidence. When you watch tv do you ever notice how the people on the tv look? They usually have great bodies and are very attractive. Usually when people see them they want to look like them so they starve themselves or push themselves to hard to excersize, when they look great. The tv has a hard impact on society because all the magazines say "oh, how to look  like Selena Gomez in 2 weeks!" just because she showed off on the tv and everybody saw it. Another example  would be the shows or movies kids watch saying its ok to do this or its ok to do that when in reality its not. They are giving  children the idea that its ok to do stuff they shouldn't and NINE times out of  TEN its not. 
                 Before the tv was invented most people would go to plays or go to a baseball game but now you can watch all of that stuff right in your own living room. Some people still go to plays or baseball games but its not as often unless you are crazy about it. Now you can watch something that back then you had to travel a  long ways to get there when now you just flip a switch and BOOM your watching it. 
                  The tv replaces family time. Before television families use to sit around a table or something and talk or listen to the radio now most people just zonk out on the  tv and its causeing bad family problems like miscommunication and attitude. Families used to be closer than ever. 
                  When pushed the the extreme, the tv becomes a  brain washer instead of a educational tool. Some stuff can help a child learn but most of its garbage. Its teaching children the wrong stuff. For example, its telling kids that its ok to throw a tantrum and you will get your way. Its not healthy.